Nose tip sculpting
Nose tip sculpting prima e dopo Creating a natural-looking nose tip sculpting with a subtle interplay of lights and shadow is the result of sophisticated techniques adapted to specific patient’s anatomy
Nose tip sculpting prima e dopo Creating a natural-looking nose tip sculpting with a subtle interplay of lights and shadow is the result of sophisticated techniques adapted to specific patient’s anatomy
Revision rhinoplasty before and after photo Minimally invasive surgery or structural reconstructions will provide patients that had multiple operations with noticeable benefits, but not every patient can be helped.
Drooping tip before and after Here the nose is simply less-than-elegant. Changing both tip position and columellar contour will provide the patient with a more natural and youthful appearance.
Reduction rhinoplasty before and after Simply, a nose too large for the face. Reducing the nasal size requires modification of several anatomical elements to achieve an harmonious dorsum-tip-lip relationship.
Twisted nose A twisted nose provides the surgeon with unique challenges. It is very hard to create a perfectly straight nose, but significant improvements are frequently achieved.
Rhinoplasty saddle nose before and after This complex functional and aesthetic problem requires reconstruction of the nose, either segmental or total rebuilding. I only use tissue from the patient, mostly cartilage.
Rhinoplasty male before and after Male rhinoplasty is not “feminizing” the nose, but correcting nasal imbalances while preserving the masculine nose features, typically a prominent, straighter bridge.
Rhinoplasty hump/bump before and after The commonest problem in rhinoplasty. But not every hump is just a hump. Most of the times also tip position has to be changed to create a more balanced profile line.
Special cases rhinoplasty before and after Patients may present with highly unique and unusual problems. A sophisticated analysis and a tailor-made approach pave the way for a successful outcome
Rhinoplasty before and after 7 day Boxing Day… The removal of the dressings is a wondrous moment. in few weeks, a reduction of swelling and tip over-rotation will give her the nose what she always wanted.
The following images are some examples of patients who have had rhinoplasty, whether primary or secondary, under the care of Prof. Palma. Please remember that rhinoplasty is never the same operation twice. Each case is unique. Therefore, each patient’s result is also unique and cannot be replicated exactly for another patient. The are many complex reasons why there cannot be a cookie-cutter approach to rhinoplasty. However, if you consider the absolute unique qualities of each human being, it becomes apparent that there are equally specific anatomical limitations that place boundaries on what can be achieved. This situation is made more complex by the presence of past trauma, previous rhinoplasty or septorhinoplasty surgeries, underlying skin disorders, and a myriad of other vital factors such as the patient’s ethnicity, individual desires, understanding of surgical limitations, and unique anatomy.
In summary, the human nose cannot simply be molded into any shape with impunity. The limitations placed on the surgeon by anatomical features can be difficult to grasp. However, if you consider the fact that the nose is covered by multiple layers of fat and muscle which are usually not operable, then the limitation of only operating on cartilage and bone become apparent. I always advise my patients on what is achievable in their unique circumstances. Although many cases can be improved with surgery, you may have to accept that in certain circumstances, adjunctive treatments for dermatological conditions might become necessary. Similarly, some patients cannot be helped by surgery, and must accept that any further operations would carry too many risks and should therefore be avoided. At all times, I will convey my message to you with utmost sensitivity and truthfulness. The complexities of rhinoplasty are difficult for experts to grasp and convey to patients. Please give yourself adequate time to fully digest a rhinoplasty expert’s advice: he/she has your best interest at heart.
🇬🇧 MY JOSEPH LECTURE What to say?
🔹There are moments when emotions cannot be controlled, even when maturity has been reached.
🔹Well, it happened last Saturday, at the conclusion of my Joseph Lecture, the MASTER LECTURE assigned every year to a world-renowned surgeon on the occasion of the Annual Congress of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS), that this year was held in Verona from 14 to September 17th under the presidency of my dearest colleagues Dario Bertossi e Stelio Mocella.
🔹 The STANDING OVATION at the conclusion of my presentation was a highly emotional, UNFORGETTABLE moment.
🔹I structured my lecture “RHINOPLASTY. THE POWER OF LESS.” so that the PROTAGONIST was not so much me as the surge#n, but above all my patients for whom I have been done and continue to do the BEST POSSIBLE of my skills, trying to combine maximum effectiveness and minimal invasiveness.
🔹 Obviously, I illustrated my operative solutions and my results with before/after pictures and surgical videos regarding thorny topics in rhinoplasty: the BIG nose, the DROOPING and over-projected tip, the SADDLE nose, and different REVISION surgeries.
🔹 The final message to my younger colleagues was to AVOID the traps of overdoing, EMBRACE surgical philosophies that respect anatomy and, always, look after the EMOTIONAL BALANCE of every single patient.
#josephlecture #eafps #rhinoplastymaster #pietropalma #rhinoplastyexpert #hybridrhinoplasty #rinoplasticaibrida #closedrhinoplasty #rinoplasticamilano #rinoplasticachiusa #noscarrhinoplasty #endonasalrhinoplasty #youniquerhinoplasty #verona ...
🇬🇧News from EAFPS Verona 2023.
Yesterday I gave two lectures on KEY ISSUES in rhinoplasty:
🔹tip over-projection and
🔹bulbous tip.
I showed my personal surgical recipes to deal with a variety of surgical situation. MINIMIZING surgical trauma and aiming at natural results represent the path and the destination of my surgical philosophy.
They were very well received by the international audience.
I’m almost ready for Joseph lecture…
🇮🇹 Notizie da Verona, congresso EAFPS 2023.
Per me ieri due presentazioni su due argomenti “caldi” in rinoplastica:
🔹 iper-proiezione della punta e
🔹punta bulbosa.
Ho presentato le mie “ricette” chirurgiche per una serie di pazienti, differenti per anatomia e aspettative.
Molto soddisfatto per il riscontro estremamente positivo da parte di tanti colleghi, italiani e non.
Quasi pronto per la Joseph lecture, la mia lettura magistrale…
#eafps #eafps2023 #rhinoplastyspecialist #rhinoplastyexpert #hybridrhinoplasty #closedrhinoplasty #endonasalrhinoplasty #rinoplasticaibrida #rinoplasticaendonasale #rinoplasticamilano #youniquerhinoplasty #pietropalma ...
I am happy to attend the Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS) to be held in Verona, September 14-17.🇮🇹
Every year a WORLD-RENOWNED surgeon and MENTOR is appointed to deliver the Joseph Lecture at the EAFPS Annual Meeting, in honour of Jacques Joseph (1865-1934), the father of rhinoplasty.
This year I have the HONOR and the PRIVELEGE to be the Joseph lecturer.
It happens ONCE in a life time.
🔷 I will share my experience as well as the ideas that I have developed in my LONG RHINOPLASTY JOURNEY shared with thousands of patients.
- visual distractors,
- hybrid route,
- multiportal approach,
- aesthetic subunits of the nose,
- analytical/surgical focus on nasal surface and contours will be explained in details.
🔷 I aim to the NEXT LEVEL of results while REDUCING surgical invasiveness.
🔹 I thank my PATIENTS wholeheartedly for their trust.
🔹 I thank my MENTOR Prof. Giorgio Sulsenti.
🔹 I thank my dearest FRIEND , Prof. Paolo Castelnuovo.
🔹 I thank the many COLLEAGUES that have been teachers and role models.
🔹 I thank my FAMILY for giving me strength and love to pursue such a passionating professional path.
#eafps #eafps2023 #josephlecture #rhinoplasty #rhinoplastymentor #rhinoplastyexpert #rinoplastica #rinoplasticamilano #rhinoplastyitaly #hybridrhinoplasty #closedrhinoplasty #rinoplasticaibrida #rinoplasticachiusa #youniquerhinoplasty #pietropalma ...
🎤I'm a SPEAKER at the 46th annual meeting of the EAFPS (European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery) in Verona.
The meeting is just around the corner.
📌Mark your agenda and JOIN US for the ONLY ONE and UNIQUE session of this meeting where we'll talk about PROFESSIONAL but NOT TECHNICAL aspects that are essential for each of us.
Are you curious?
➡️Follow me and in the coming days I'll reveal a secret.
Beautiful and romantic Verona, where surgery meets beauty, is waiting for us!
#eafps #eafps2023 #eafpsannualmeeting #womeninsurgery #YOUniqueRhinoplasty #verona ...
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